Infant and Toddler Care

4 weeks- 2 years old

Infant/toddler care is much more than basic care. Teachers strive to attain balance and harmony with children’s home schedule. Teacher’s lesson plans include gross and fine motor skills, social/emotional development, and give them sensory and cognitive experiences. The classrooms experience independent, whole group, and small group activities. The children have opportunities to go outside, develop bonds with the lead and assistant teachers, as well as with support staff that will interact with them. The schedule is built for a routine that includes feeding/snacks, meals, naps. We provide formula and food asking families to provide only diapers or pull-ups, wipes, and a change of clothing for your child. Children in these classrooms have the ratio of 1:5.


We use a research-based curriculum. One of the best ways to help children succeed is to teach them to be creative, confident thinkers. That’s why we use The Creative Curriculum® by Teaching Strategies® LLC, which is widely recognized as a forward-thinking, comprehensive, rigorously researched curriculum. It is designed to help educators plan and implement a developmentally appropriate program for children with diverse backgrounds and skill levels while honoring creativity.


MENU- What’s for Lunch!

January Lunch July Lunch
February Lunch August Lunch
March Lunch September Lunch
April Lunch October Lunch
May Lunch November Lunch
June Lunch December Lunch


Lullabye League, Rainbows, Flower Patch, Poppies-  eat, sleep, diaper change, play, grow, smile, giggle, observe, rock, repeat……. 

Munchkins January Munchkins July
Munchkins February Munchkins August
Munchkins March Munchkins September
Munchkins April Munchkins October
Munchkins May Munchkins November
Munchkins June Munchkins December


Monkeys January Monkeys July
Monkeys February Monkeys August
Monkeys March Monkeys September
Monkeys April Monkeys October
Monkeys May Monkeys November
Monkeys June Monkeys December


Rubies January Rubies July
Rubies February Rubies August
Rubies March Rubies September
Rubies April Rubies October
Rubies May Rubies November
Rubies June Rubies December


Lollipops January Lollipops July
Lollipops February Lollipops August
Lollipops March Lollipops September
Lollipops April Lollipops October
Lollipops May Lollipops November
Lollipops June Lollipops December


Kansas January Kansas July
Kansas February Kansas August
Kansas March Kansas September
Kansas April Kansas October
Kansas May Kansas November
Kansas June Kansas December


Oz November Oz March
Oz December Oz April
Oz January Oz May
Oz February  


Tigers January Tigers July
Tigers February Tigers August
Tigers March Tigers September
Tigers April Tigers October
Tigers May Tigers November
Tigers June Tigers December


Lions January Lions July
Lions February Lions August
Lions March Lions September
Lions April Lions October
Lions May Lions November
Lions June Lions December