
You can register for all programs and events online!

Welcome to our online registration page! We are thrilled that you are ready to register for a YMCA program or service! Below you will find some details and instructions to help you through the online process. You may also register for YMCA programs and services at the Aberdeen YMCA. If you have any questions call 605.225.4910.

Register Now 

What can you do with your account?
  • Register for programs
  • Update your billing information, address, and other account information at any time
  • View your account balance and make necessary payments
  • View and print receipts
Program Registration Policy
  • Registration must be completed before the applicable deadlines
  • YMCA membership may be purchased prior to program registration to obtain member rate
  • No advanced registrations will be accepted
  • There will be no prorating of class fees for missed classes
  • Classes are subject to change based on enrollment

Online Registration Instructions

  • If you’re a current or past YMCA member, or if you have registered for programs in the past, click on Log In to enable your online account. You can use your email or phone number that is associated with your Y account (call Member Services at 605.225.4910 to find this information). Select the Program you want, if there are multiple members on the account; select the member you want to register. Continue to sign and accept the agreement and waiver. Proceed to Payment Methods.
    • If you do not know your password, select Forgot Password. You will then be directed to choose an email or text message with a one-time password for registration. Enter the password and continue to select a program.
  • If you’ve never been a member or enrolled in any of our programs or classes, click Sign Up to create an online account. Select Non-Member at the bottom of the page and continue. Complete the first page with primary adult information. Proceed to the next page Add a Member and complete with your child’s information and continue to either Add another Member or Complete Registration. After completing registration, select the Program you want and choose the participant. Continue to sign and accept the agreement and waiver. Proceed to Payment Methods.
    • YMCA memberships receive discounts on various programs such as swim lessons, youth sports, CrossFit and more. Get registered today and take advantage of the many membership opportunities.
Canceling or Changing a Class

Each program area has different policies and procedures for canceling or changing a program registration. You will need to contact the specific department to request a change.

Insurance Notice:
It is the responsibility of every individual or their parent/guardian to provide for their own accident and health coverage while participating in all YMCA activities. The Aberdeen Family YMCA does not provide any accident or health coverage for participants.